Compare And Contrast Igag And Izanami

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Contrary to most cultures the Japanese used the Izanagi and Izanami creation story as a way to explain how Japan was formed, however putting minimum emphasis on how the world was created. This myth was scripted in a document called the Kojiki between 500-700 A.D. Securing this document allowed the emperors to analyze and pass down their ancient culture for many years to come. This particular myth is associated with a religion called Shinto.
Once the heavens and earth were established, three individuals named, as Donald L Philippi of Preston phrased them “The Spirit Master of the Center of Heaven, The August Wondrously Producing Spirit, and the Divine Wondrously Producing Ancestor.”. From the land sprouted red shoots, and from them developed twelve to fourteen deities, along with Izanagi and Izanami. The five oldest gods then commanded that Izanagi and Izanami construct Japan. In compliance with the gods commands they were handed a spear and set off onto the floating bridge to …show more content…

Following much consideration Izanagi and Izanami decided to begin populating their land. So, they began walking around the column where Izanami shared how handsome she believed he was, in response Izanagi had talked about the beautiful wife he’d married. Later on they had a child, who was called leech-child. The infant was placed in a basket and sent to float down river. Again, the couple gave birth to a floating island, and just like their previous child, the floating island was disowned. Disheartened, they asked for guidance from the wise and older gods. Much consideration brought them to the conclusion that their children weren’t being born correctly due to the fact that the man had not complemented first. Realizing their mistake, Izanagi and Izanami immediately revised their mistake. She then gave birth to six minor islands, the eight islands of Japan, and some of the deities, including the fire god which resulted in her

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