Compare And Contrast Holmes And Daniel Burnham

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In the note “Evils Imminent,” Erik Larson writes “Beneath the gore and smoke and loam, this book is about the evanescence of life, and why some men choose to fill their brief allotment of time engaging the impossible, others in the manufacture of sorrow” [xi]. The purpose of this novel is to compare and contrast the book's main characters, Daniel Burnham and Henry H. Holmes. The characters have contrasting personalities and feelings, but a few similar motives to a certain extent. Daniel Burnham was a successful architect that built, with the help of others, the great Chicago world's fair of 1893, also known as the World's Columbian Exposition. Holmes, on the other hand, sought out his fame by becoming one of the world's first serial killers, …show more content…

Although one may not have been the right way, they both were successful in making a name for themselves, which I believe that they both ambitiously strived for. Burnham for his great work in architecture, and Holmes for his 'great' path to growing as a psychopathic killer. They both happened to have a way with people. They just had a way of making the person they were interacting with feel comfortable and welcome with their charm. Burnham and Holmes, I noticed, both had a way also, of persuading people to contribute to their company. For example when Burnham convinced Olmstead, who initially didn't want to help him, to become a main architect of the exposition. Holmes also persuaded Mrs. Horton, the owner of the pharmacy, to sell the establishment to him. They both seemed to be clever men, Burnham for his business-like talents, and Holmes for his ability to escape conviction of a vast amount of murders and unpaid debts. Holmes always seemed to be constantly firing and hiring new workers to prevent them of becoming suspicious of his dirty work. They both, without a doubt, had the ambition and drive to conquer each and every one of their goals in their lifetimes. Whether it was Burnham with his goal to build the World's Fair or Holmes with his goal to use the World's Fair to execute his evil inclinations. They both have made history in becoming

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