Compare And Contrast Essay On Frankenstein

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The movie, Frankenstein by Kenneth Branagh's, which was a later adaption of Mary Shelley's novel, is a very crude adaption of this novel. Kenneth Branagh changes how the creature comes alive and is there when the creature wakes up, the creature mumbles and grunts his sentences, and this movie makes the creatures seem like a dumb adult. The movie did a very poor job of recreating the specific feeling and mood that Mary Shelley incorporated into her novel.

In the movie, Kenneth Branagh changes how the creature comes alive. He made it gorier by bringing the creature to life in a cauldron filled with water and electric eels. When the creature finally wakes up, the water spills everywhere in the room and drenches Victor and everything else around him. Unlike the novel, where Victor realized how ugly the creature is and flees, Victor instead tries to help the creature up, when this happens we were supposed to feel sympathy for Victor, but the scene just came across as silly and gross. At the end of the scene, the creature is assumed to be dead and Victor goes to sleep. When he wakes up to the …show more content…

Whereas in the movie he is when he meets Victor he mostly grunts and mumbles his sentences, One of the only lines where we see the creature's intelligence in the movie is when he says, "Yes, I speak, and read, and think, and know the ways of man..." then goes on to say, "what of my soul? Do I have one? What of the people of which I am composed?" But this line is still butchered by the movie. In the novel he is much more articulate, "Believe me, Frankenstein, I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity; but am I not alone, miserably alone?" (87) This shows how much more articulate the creature is in the novel than in the movie. it also shows that the creature believes that he's partly human because he has a soul and doesn't question it like in the

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