Compare And Contrast Egypt And China

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In the years between 3000 B.C.E to 1500 C.E., there were two civilizations, both with thousands of miles between them, but they had many similarities along with many differences . Those civilizations were Shang/Zhou China and Egypt. What they had in common was that they were both on major rivers and that they both had their economies based on farming on the silt their rivers left behind when they were flooded. Their difference was that China and Egypt had different currency.

Ancient Egypt was based on the Nile River in NE Africa while Shang/Zhou was based on the Huang He River in E. Asia. Both of these rivers allowed trade with nearby villages of silk, metal, and food which boosted their economy. They also had farms near where the river would flood and leave silt, but the river was sometimes kind and other times it was mean. Some seasons, the river would flood too much, destroying farms and houses which made farming difficult, …show more content…

There may be some answers based on the environment and similar conditions they both faced. First, why base your settlement on a river, one of the main reasons is agriculture and a fresh water supply. When agriculture first became a need, they found that farming near the river would yield better fruit and provide grazing land for their domestic animals. With more food population grew and civilization arose. Another contributing factor is that with the river, you have a means to carry large amounts of goods across great distances. With this they were able to trade with their neighbors easily and transport new things never before seen. Now their difference would be the factor that Egypt's government had grain storage where they would give their workers “paychecks.” However in China, their government had much less resources than Egypt. With no mas grain production they made coins with a certain amount of value that you would be able to trade

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