Compare And Contrast Christianity And Islam

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Although the Christians, Jews, and Muslims had some similarities with their religion, the Jews and the Christians did not really have a status in the Islamic Middle East before 1800 C.E. Most of the Islamic Middle East was ruled by the Muslims. Islam is the religion and Muslims are the believers of Islam. In order for us to have a good understanding on the Muslims and why the Christians and the Jews were governed by them we must first have an understanding on Muhammad. Muhammad was the prophet and founder of the religion Islam, a prophet is someone who believes that he or she is spoken to by god. During the early time pre-ilasmic Arabs worshipped a variety of spirits, sometimes they were associated with nature, they were mostly polytheistic meaning they believed in many gods. Islam as well as the Christian and Jewish religion is monotheistic which means that they all believed in one god.
In my opinion I think Religion has a lot to do with politics, I believe whichever …show more content…

Christian views on Islam are diverse and range from considering Islam a fellow Abrahamic religion worshipping the same God, to believing Islam to be heresy or an unrelated cult. Christianity and Islam both consider Jesus to have been sent by God. Christians generally consider Jesus to be the Son of God, while Muslims consider the Trinity to be a division of God 's Oneness and a grave sin (shirk). Christianity and Islam have different scriptures, with Islam using the Quran and Christianity the Bible. Both texts offer an account of the life and works of Jesus. Belief in Jesus is an important part of Islamic theology, and Muslims view the Christian Gospels as altered, while Christians consider Gospels to be authoritative and the Quran to be a later, fabricated or apocryphal work. Both religions believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, but the Biblical and Quranic accounts

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