Compare And Contrast Christianity And Islam

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The Middle East served as the birthplace for many religions and cultures such as Islam and Christianity. This historical region has had substantial impact on the course of history. However, Christianity and Islam have their differences in expansion and their similarities in religious beliefs between the two religions.
On the surface, Christianity and Islam appear to have very little in common. However, by exploring into the fundamental areas such as, beliefs, rituals, founders, ethics, and sacred objects, the two show strong differences. The literal word Islam means,"submission." This submission is to the one god, Allah. In this instance, Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. Both Muslims and Christians are monotheists, believing …show more content…

Allah, is deemed to be compassionate, merciful and honorable. Because he is compassionate, he calls all people to believe in him and worship him. Christianity and Islam teaches that when a person passes away, they are judged in the next life for eternal damnation or salvation. On the “Last Day” God will judge every person according to their deeds. And on that day, all of the dead will be resurrected and judged whether they go to heaven or hell based on their deeds. Christianity parallels to Islam in a sense of the belief of one god and the last day. In the Bible, one of the Ten Commandments states that, "I am the Lord thy God.....thou shalt have no other gods before me." Likewise, Islamic belief relates to Christianity by God being the creator of the universe and the last day by the christians believing that the dead will be resurrected. Since Christianity and Islam share a elemental base of belief, both religions deem their place of worship as a sacred place which ceremonies and practices are held. All the places for …show more content…

Therefore man does not need to be redeemed. Muslims do not need a saviour in order to forgive their sins and ascend into heaven. They do not see Jesus as divine, rather they see him as a prophet of God. In fact, Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross. The Quran states, “They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, though it was made to appear like that to them. Those that disagreed about him are full of doubt, with no knowledge to follow, only supposition: they certainly did not kill him, God raised him up to Himself” (Sura 4:157-158). As a result, Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross, rather God has raised his soul from to Heaven. Therefore, Muslims believe that they can ascend to heaven by following the Islamic laws and being obedient towards God. The Quran states, “Those who believe, do good deeds, keep up the prayer, and pay the prescribed alms will have their reward with their Lord: no fear for them, nor will they grieve” (Sura 2:277). In comparison of the two religions, Christians are saved by accepting and believing in what has been done in the past. Whereas Muslims are saved by practicing their religion and believing in God. Islam and Christianity may differ in different symbols or worship, but they have the same intention and meaning towards it. For instance, Muslims perceive the prophet Muhammad as holy. Not in a god like saviour symbol, but a person to look

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