Compare And Contrast Berlin Boxing Club And The Book Thief

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“The Book Thief” and the “Berlin Boxing Club” were both astonishing books. Liesel from the “The Book Thief” and Karl from the “Berlin Boxing Club” were very powerful characters by the end of these books. Though, at the beginning of the books these characters were far from anything powerful. In fact, they were small and weak. In a way, these characters were both alike, but so different. Liesel and Karl changed and grew throughout the course of these books. They both had struggles that over time shaped them into amazing, independent characters. Liesel changed a lot over the course of “The Book Thief”. She went from a scared little girl to a strong, independent woman. The death of Liesel's brother played a big role in changing her. Tragedy in some cases like Liesel's makes you tougher. When her brother died it wasn’t necessarily a good thing but I think it helped Liesel become stronger and more independent. Another factor that changed Liesel was her family. Her adoptive parents really showed Liesel that she was loved. They comforted Liesel and made her feel safe. Rudy Steiner Liesel's best friend really brought out the adventurous …show more content…

At the beginning of the book he was just a Jew getting bullied by a group of German boys called the Wolf Pack, but by the end, he was able to stand up for himself. At the beginning of the book, Karl realized that he was weak. He realized he was a Jew in a country of Germans that wanted nothing to do with him or any other Jew. When the opportunity to learn to box with champion boxer Max Schmeling comes around Karl decides to take it. He slowly builds up strength and becomes a great boxer. When things got worse for Jews in Germany he acted as a family protector with his new strength. Boxing changed him into a man. Boxing took up most of his life and made him more self-involved. At the end of the book, he was more than a Jew, he was a Man. Boxing helped him survive in the tough

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