Compare And Contrast Armadillo Vs Electric Eel

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Animals are all amazing, but some have a better defence than others. All prey animals need these defences to survive attacks from predators. And I am going to test these defences to see which is better. So who is it, the Armadillo or the Electric eel? Let's start out with the Armadillo. The Armadillo has three different species, the Six Band Armadillo, the Giant Armadillo, and the Three Band Armadillo. Despite most people's beliefs, the Three Band Armadillo is the ONLY Armadillo that can roll into a ball. But don’t worry the other Armadillos have a defence to, they jump at their attacker to startle it and then run away to the nearest shelter. Now onto the next competitor, the Electric eel. The Electric eel sends a jolt of electricity

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