Compare And Contrast Anna And Isabelle

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My overall initial reaction to Anna and Isabelle’s story is shock and sadness. How can a mother let her daughter suffer or be in a situation like these girls were for such a long time? It is heart rending that being just a few months old Ana was going back and forth switching from family to family or foster homes who could eventually adopt her. Despite the fact, that Anna’s mother was known to be mentally defected and did not have her family’s support, I feel like she could have made a better decision of giving her child for adoption and letting the new family take care of Anna’s needs. Just like Isabelle had great results due to her training, Anna could of possibly done great if offered the opportunity to train her well. As a mother, I try to give and do my best for my daughter so she can have a great life; I cannot imagine letting my daughter be isolated and in bad conditions as Anna was. On the other hand, I can kind of understand Anna’s mom position on isolating her daughter for such a long time. During the 1930’s around the time Anna was born, it was a humiliation for an unwed woman to be pregnant. It was very rare for a single woman to be pregnant that they would …show more content…

The story about Anna and Isabelle shows that socialization is a very important role in every person’s life; being isolated for so long can have serious consequences. When Isabelle started her training it was without stability, as time went on she started to advance. Some would say that socialization has nothing to do with personality or development but it is hard for me to believe that. Nowadays, we are surrounded by many cultures and people that it is hard not to be influenced by them. Socialization shapes who we are; it helps us recognize the things we do not like about a certain person or

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