Compare And Contrast Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Do you know a person who is so annoying you in such badly way that if you could, you would immediately make him disappear? If you had this ability you could finally make disappear, everyone, like that slow-witted postmen or that arrogant driver. People often dream about a place like utopia where everyone is happy and has everything he needs. Would it not be wonderful? However places like utopia do not exist and will not exist in future either, and there are reasons why, exactly 7 billion reasons. We all know what those reasons are. Humanity. Humans have their issues, we say, that we are different from other animals, but sometimes people are even worse. People are grasping and they require more than they actually need. We did worse things than innocent animals. …show more content…

In animal farm we have many symbols like animals who reflect real people, for example farmer Mr. Jones, who is in real life the Czar or Napoleon who is Joseph Stalin. The situation In Russia was not a thing Russian people could be proud on. Russians were starving to the contrast Czar had everything he wanted and that is not how a brave king should behave. When the revolution finished two leaders appeared on the stage, Napoleon and Snowball. These two characters are completely different and still are very similar.
Napoleon is a dictator who is more greedy for power and corruption. He is not interested in the welfare of the animals. He uses his dogs to keep the power, therefore, leads by fear. He is not interested in any of Snowball’s ideas that could improve the welfare of the animals. And this is the point where I realized that people are very similar to people. In this story Napoleon changed from a pig in the frame of a human like farmer Jones

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