Compare And Contrast American Imperialism In Africa And Asia

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Africa and Asia’s fight for Independence

During Imperialism, African and Asian continents were viewed as reservoirs of raw materials, labor, and territory for future settlement by industrialization powers of Europe. Colonies were exploited for natural and labor resources, and sometimes for military conscripts. It was between 1945 and 1960 when dozen of states located inside of Asia and Africa achieved independence from their European colonial rulers. Some states achieved independence easily, peacefully, and orderly. Other states achieved independence after protracted revolution of wars against the European overloads. A few countries acquired stable governments; others were not run by governments but were run by military or dictators. Military or dictators ruled the counties for decades and/or were involved in civil wars. In mid to late 19th century European powers colonized most of Africa and Southeast Asia.
During WWII Japan, which was a significant imperial power, it drove European powers out of Asia. After Japanese surrendered in 1945, local nationalist movements campaigned for independence rather than let the European colonial rule them for a second time. These nationalist were either guerrillas fighting the Japanese or members of colonial military establishments. …show more content…

The United States had ties to its European allies while supporting the concept of national self determination. Colonial possessions provided NATO allies with military strength. Most United States European allies believed their recovery from World War II may give protection for good and provide combinations of raw materials. Every European Government interested in postwar stability found the alternative of letting the colonies slip away unappealing. The United States Government granted independence to the Philippines in 1946 after European imperial powers negotiated a withdrawal from their overseas

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