Promoting Community Colleges in Los Angeles County

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I own a small grocery store located in Woodland Hills, California. First and foremost, I would like to thank you, Los Angeles City Council, for making time in your compacted agenda to talk to us today. We are concerned community members who would like to discuss the importance of the establishment of community colleges in the Los Angeles County. Jeffrey S. Selingo points out, “It’s unfortunate community colleges suffer from such a negative stereotype because so many people who end up going to a four-year college… end up dropping out.. Would be better off starting at a two-year college” (1). This quote serves as Jeffrey Selingo’s thesis for his argument for his argument. He clearly states that community colleges are viewed upon with pessimistic …show more content…

At a community college because it would prevent them from dropping out. As the quote above states for some students a community college is necessary in order to succeed that is why it is crucial for the reevaluation for the decision on the removal of community colleges. Many students have come into my grocery store concerned about the removal of facilities like these. A community college to many students, is a place where they can pursue their education. As a former student of Los Angeles Pierce College , I would like to advocate for those that do not have the courage to do so because if I would not have attended Pierce College I never have been in the place I am at today. It is crucial for you to consider the great advantage community colleges can provide for our …show more content…

An example of this community dynamic is the activities available for children: summer camp, sports, and involvement of the arts. These activities allow kids the opportunity to have a place to be curious and direct their energy toward a specific subject of their interest; eventually, when time does come for a child to go to college he or she will appreciate the skills developed in community colleges. Not only does Pierce provide children with a place for kids to unleash who they truly are but it allows parents of these children to facilitate the process for them. Community colleges allows parents the opportunity to take classes - like child development- to understand what specific topics their kids are thinking while exploring several subject which will potentially lead to a career. These courses provide a strong connection so when children ask their parents for guidance. Their parents will actually know what to do and will be ready to answer any question and will facilitate the process toward the pursuit of a college career. In, “The case for (community) college” by Christina Pazzanese she explains, ”I come from poverty, and I knew my parents were never going to be able to help me out with college.” (1). This piece of the article serves as Pazzanese’s hook to captivate the audience and to explain the fact that sometimes parents are not able to help

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