'Communion Of St. Jerome' By Domenichino Zampieri

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Artwork Analysis
“Communion of St Jerome” painted by Domenichino Zampieri is an oil on canvas painting created in 1612. Domenichino was an Italian painter born in 1581 who focused on making art that was directed towards Catholic beliefs and customs (WJ.Burghardt, 2018). As depicted in the painting, Saint Jerome who is on the verge of death is being held up by a group of individuals while the priest serves him his last Eucharist.

Symbolism is extremely prominent in the painting. For example, the yellow robes the priest is wearing denotes how he is hospitable and benevolence towards those in need. Whereas, Saint Jerome wears red which signifies the blood that was drawn at Christ’s crucifixion and how he was sacrificed so we could have a better life. In the upper right corner, four cherubs gather to look down on the people …show more content…

This links to the scripture of John 13:1-20 as just like Jesus washed the feet of his disciples the Priest serves Saint Jerome in the same way. By showing compassion and being hospitable, the painting calls Catholics to serve those in need, especially the homeless. Therefore, the art is effective in reminding us that we are called to aid others no matter their social …show more content…

Like the disciples, when we take the Eucharist we are called to be humble servants and serve God through the people. Through doing this we nourish our spirituality and become closer to Christ. In the passage, it says that “Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.” By this, Jesus intended that his spirit was within everyone. As Jesus washed the feet and therefore became the servant, he showed us that we are all equal when consuming the Eucharist. When our society denies homeless people their human rights we are going against the teachings of

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