Communication Scenario Analysis

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This scenario is a possibility with today’s world. People are too reliant on their phones and tablets. If this scenario would happen, people would be panicking because they wouldn’t be able to snapchat and use other apps on their phones. There would be various feelings going through my head if this scenario ever happened. The biggest reaction I would have is shock because I wouldn’t know any of my passwords for certain accounts. There would be some smaller emotions like nervousness, anger, and fear. I’d be nervous about how others are taking it because I know numerous people who are dependent on their phones. After a few hours, I’d probably start to panic because I wouldn’t be able to use my cell phone. There would be moments when I would have spurts of anger because I wouldn’t be able to contact several people. Overall, my reaction would be a mixture of anger, nervousness, fear, and shock. In addition to my reaction to this scenario, my life would also be impacted in some ways like not being able to contact my friends since I don’t have a home phone. It would also be difficult for me to call them because I don’t know their home phone numbers. A scenario like this wouldn’t impact my job or my schooling because I use computers for them. However, it would be difficult for me to contact my parents in case of an emergency. Above all, my social …show more content…

There would be numerous moments when I would forget about my phone working. I’d struggle with not being able to text people because that is the number one way I reach someone. One example of this would be when I have a question on homework. I’d more than likely reach for my phone then realize that it won’t work. Another example would be when I’m getting ready to go to bed. I always set some alarms on my phone to wake me up in the morning. I’d struggle with remembering that my phone wouldn’t work because I’ve become dependent on these

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