Commedia Del Arte Essay

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Commedia Del’Arte is a form of theatre that is a semi-improvised variation of comedy originating in Italy and lasted for about four hundred years. These comedies focused more on the manner of performance, rather than the subject matter of the play. Commedia Del’Arte relied on a universal-adaptor cast of stock characters, whose roles, characteristics and costumes were well defined and widely known. Actors would travel in troupes that usually consisted of 10 to 15 performers and were usually run by a single leader. The actors wore elaborate masks that exaggerated facial features to convey their character’s personality. Troupes traveled with everything that they needed: costumes, props, and simple, portable stages that they could set up in any outdoor space. As troupes gained more success, they would acquire wealthy patrons who would sometimes provide theatres for them to perform in. By the end of the sixteenth century, popular comedies were traveling throughout Europe. …show more content…

The Arlecchino is usually not so bright and is the tricky servant. The Colombina is the wisecracking maid, usually the smartest character and a servant. The Pierrott is a loyal, hardworking, dependable servant. The Brightella is a greedy character much like the Pantalone but not as rich. Lastly the Pulcinella is generally a hunchback or disabled/disfigured

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