Coming Of Age Moments In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Through one's lifetime, many events occur that have an effect on their innocence and how they develop through their coming of age moments. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, the author demonstrates the coming of age moments through the character's life as a child. Lee uses both charazation and conflict to establish the overall injustice of the justice system which influences to the coming of age moments. By Jem recognizing the injustice of his town, Maycomb, his character is able to develop maturity. Jem is a growing young boy who is struggling with the harsh words against his father because of the trial. His father, Atticus is a wise man who sees around the conflicts of the town and as for Jems little sister, Scout she is also a child who is under the influence of those around her. Consequently Jem was stunned by the trail and the cruel way whites treated blacks, Jem states, “ Atticus” Jem said bleakly. He turned around. “ What, son?” “ How could they do it? How could they?” There petite house allows Scout to over hear many of Atticus and Jem’s Conversation, she questions herself on weather Jem is interested in the case or not. Although at this point Jem is emotionally involved to the trial. The case consists of a black man named Tom Robinson who was accused of being sexual active with a young white woman called by the name Mayella . Mayella Ewell comes from a very poor family that treats others with rude manners and no respect. Her father Each of the characters are completely different from one another but deal with similar situations. Although, the main turning point in each of the characters coming of age moment was dealing with the injustice of the justice system. Atticus, Jem, and Scout all respond differently to the conflicts which develops the contrast from innocence to

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