Coming Of Age In Mississippi Analysis

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Coming of Age in Mississippi is autobiographical of Anne Moody written by herself. The book starts with Anne’s life in Rural mississippi during her childhood and high school. She is a daughter of a sharecropper and her family tries their luck with everything to earning money for living. Anne also assist her family by working for neighbours. Later on in the book Anne attends her first junior college, then a senior college, and returns to New Orleans periodically to earn money. During this time her strong justice leads her to get involved in the civil right movement. A gap between Anne and her family comes because her family does not support her work for civil right as they believe it is really dangerous and life threatening.

Certain Incidents led Anne moody to become …show more content…

Her political awakening began in her teenage years. During her First year in high school, Anne heard of a story of young innocent boy named Emmett till. He was lynching for a claim that he whistled in a flirtatious and offensive manner at a white women. When Anne asks the information about this incident from adults, she is told to shut up and not mention anything ever again. When Anne asks her mother about NAACP she is againt told to shut up and never talk about it in front of any white. Anne finds out about the incident and NAACP from Mrs.rice. Emmett till murder makes Anne go into deep thinking, and she realizes as to which extent the whites in mississippi would go to protect their white supremacy and how powerless are blacks. “Before Emmett Till‟s murder, I had known the fear of hunger, hell, and the Devil. But now there was a new fear known to me the fear of being killed just because I was black” (Moody 107). While Working for Mrs. Burke she was faced with the suspicion By her that She or Anne brother Junior

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