Colonel Graff Character Analysis

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“I don’t care, I love it” are the lyrics that describe Colonel Graff’s way of going about Battle School. He does not care about the kids or their feelings, he just wants to beat the Buggers. The biggest example of how selfish he is, is when he tricks Ender. He knew that Ender was not emotionally prepared to win the battle, but when he does and tells Ender, he is nothing but happy because he got what he wanted. On page 35 Graff explains to Ender “Then too bad. Look, Ender. I'm sorry if you're lonely and afraid. But the buggers are out there. Ten billion, a hundred billion, a million billion of them, for all we know. With as many ships, for all we know. With weapons we can't understand. And a willingness to use those weapons to wipe us out.

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