College Of Education Scholarship Essay

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I would first like to thank you for the opportunity to apply for scholarships from the College of Education Scholarship. I am currently a junior at Boise State University, working on completing my Elementary Education Degree. My desire to become an educator stems from the positive impact many of my teachers had on me during my formative years. As a child, I was adopted, placed back into state care and bounced from home to home. During that difficult time, it was my teachers that provided me with the support I needed to be successful and ultimately enabled me to thrive. As a result of their positive, nurturing passion, I know the potential and power a teacher can have in a child’s life.
Over the last decade, while employed in local schools I have had the pleasure of working with students from multiple grade levels. Through tutoring students in mathematics and in seeking my degree, I have come to understand the importance of having in-depth knowledge and expertise in an educator’s area of instruction. That knowledge allows an educator to better recognize what concepts their students may not understand and enables them to further their students understanding. I have also gained an understanding of the importance of working off ones strengths and using those …show more content…

My motivation to further my understanding contributes to my goal of graduating with honors to reflect the determination and perseverance I have to learn all I can while completing my course work. Since returning to school in January 2015, I have completed 54 credits and earned a 4.0 for those units. In doing so, I have been able to raise my GPA and am now potentially eligible for scholarships. This eligibility will ideally enable me to relieve some of the financial burden my family faces while I complete my

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