College Football Should Be Banned Essay

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The heart of America revolves around sports, which includes college football. Many individuals argue whether football at that level truly has anything to do with academics. Banning college football is a shocking debate that has been around for many years that most people do not think about. Football is a very brutal sport and the injuries that come with it are worth considering a change. Fully banning the sport at the college level will not do any good; however, we should take into account the changes that should be made to prevent long-term injuries. Individuals who play the sport of football will agree there are dangers that come with playing the contact sport – but they also say it is worth it. Football is a contact sport, so it will never be a completely safe game to play. There are many dangers that come along with playing football, as well as many other sports. Many individuals use this as an argument, however; if football is not the only sport that causes severe, life-long injuries, then we should ban other sports as well. It would not be fair to establish injuries …show more content…

So much of the college’s revenue goes towards their athletic program. Athletic programs should not have any bearing on the academic program, yet they do. Many people associate a particular school with the athletic programs that they have. The Atlantic held an article named, “College’ Football Has Almost Nothing to Do With College At All,” which was written by Adrienne Green talked about the money that goes in and out of the athletic program. She also talked about how the women’s rowing program at Wisconsin has approximately 200 athletes trying out, which decreases to 130 student athletes during the regular season. We can see that the numbers prove it is a large program, just like football. She also suggested that “in some ways the responsibilities are very similar coaching wise.” Adrienne

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