College Admissions Essay: My Passion For Me

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During my freshman year I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t have any passion to do anything and I was letting that show through my grades. I then realized then that not having good grades wasn’t what I wanted, I wanted to go to college and prove to myself that I could do it. I worked harder and even though I struggled and had tough times I decided that I would put more effort into my work and not let anyone see me as someone I wasn’t. While in my freshman year I had struggled greatly with math. Taking an online course was new for me so the environment didn’t help with me learning new things. I had taken a photography class in my freshman year as well and remember that it was my favorite one to take and I completed the course quickly. I learned then that this class was my passion and I wanted to work hard so that I would be able to do something that I enjoy with a burning passion. I then decided that photography was what I wanted to do in life and tried my hardest. I remember I cried and had many moments of feeling dread and wanting to give up when I saw that I was failing my classes and didn’t at least have a high C. This …show more content…

If I was in a struggle I would seek guidance in how to get myself out of that position because I know that I am not a person anymore who will accept something lower then what I know I could achieve. Photography is my passion and something that I have been working on and loving for more than three years and is not something I would let go of easily, I have worked hard to try and achieve the goal of going to a school that could expand my knowledge of photography and helping me work harder and have better end results in my work. Being passionate about something like this has drove me to work harder and better and even if I am accepted into SCAD I should not let that hard work go to waste and I would work even harder to have a better

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