College Admissions Essay: My Inspiration As A Theatre Teacher

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In the Merriam- Webster Dictionary, inspiration is defined as: “the quality of being mentally stimulated to do something creative.” I believe inspiration as an act of kindness or a passion that motivates me to the best I can. Theatre itself has been nothing other than inspiration to me. It has shown me a different way of not just high school but of life in general. It has changed me for the better in so many ways. Now before I explain why I would be an inspiring theatre teacher, I think you should now where I got my inspiration from. Going into my sophomore year I never thought I would ever consider trading in my cheerleading uniform for spending all my free time at the FZW Auditorium, Well after having a semester of Intro to theatre, someone changed that. Over the past two years, I have learned and been motivated by a teacher that has prepared me for going into education. I have always been intrigued by her continual …show more content…

I always enjoy knowing that because of just taking a simple fine art class has changed my life forever. By comparing my experiences as a cheerleader and being a theatre kid, it’s made me look at how much cheerleading was holding me back. I wanted to alway prove to my team mates of my skills and potential, but it was known that I would always be that girl “ taking one for the team”. It never occurred to me at the beginning of sophomore year where that could be where I start a new chapter of my life and know that there is more to life out there than just sports. Seeing that I was an athlete for such a long period of time, it never gave me the pure enjoyment that theatre has provided me in such a short amount of time. Being with three different cheerleading programs I have made more accomplishments with theatre than cheer ever could’ve offered me. I always appreciate how I was welcomed into drama club with open arms and was given the opportunities that would be cherished

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