College Admissions Essay: My Advancements In Computer Science

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In my opinion, advancements in computers will benefit the world more than any other field;that technology, with its vast scope and countless usages, will play a pivotal role in most of the new inventions. In the last two years, I have explored various topics and their applications in computer science, which fascinates me.
Technology amazed me, even when I was a child. During my Eleventh grade, the concept used in an anime named SAO, where a person could retain his or her consciousness besides, his or her physical senses and emotions, in a virtual environment, intrigued me. Such a futuristic concept enthralled me; I started thinking of its various applications in our world. Would not it be wonderful, if those who were bedridden or afflicted …show more content…

Needless to say, that I will bring my, as yet small body of work, intellectual curiosity and desire to contribute to the society, with me, when I partake in the REU and URECA Programs, along with the Senior Honors Project. My work experience, ability to think like an owner, take full responsibility of the deliverable and sound time and crises management skills, will prove useful for my cohorts, when we work on projects, workshops and in seminars. Furthermore, having undertaken independent inquiry, I will be the right research partner for my group. Moreover, my experience of completing given tasks in optimal time; delivering flaw-free products, will serve me well, as I continue to do the same. Moreover, collaborative work is second nature to me, as I work with teams of people of different age groups and ethnicities. When I undertake assignments at Honors College, my experiences will stand my teammates in good stead; give us an edge. Additionally, working at Infocrats Web Solutions has been an education in finding effective ways to complete the task(s) at hand. I will continue to do the same, in addition to helping my peers, be it in the laboratories or

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