College Admissions Essay: Growing Up In High School

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Growing up, I always tried to be one of the boys. I wanted to play any sport possible. I wasn’t scared to play tackle football in the backyard with the neighbor boys, I ran around right alongside them. My parents never really helped me pursue any sports, and being just a kid and not able to drive, I couldn’t sign myself up for anything. I began running cross country in seventh grade. It was really my first chance to get myself involved in something. I had never even heard of cross country before, until a book I read involved the main character being involved in the sport. When I began running, I never imagined that I’d still be running my senior year. Not only did I think I’d still be running, I never even considered the idea of running varsity. I believe that my six years of running has proven, at the very least, my commitment to things …show more content…

Being thrown into unbelievable amounts of situations, I’ve learned how to pick my battles, and which ones to throw behind me. It wasn’t easy to ignore cruel comments and taunting teenagers in the beginning. Kesha, singer and songwriter, set a whole new outlook though. Not only is she a role model to me for how strong and fearless she is, she’s also an inspiration to many other fans. Having someone who can relate to my pain I’ve endured made me feel not so alone. I’ve learned that people’s opinions of me don’t actually define me, and that it’s up to me to appraise and define myself. I never realized that she would be the person I quoted for the rest of my life. Every bad situation the first thing that comes to my mind is, “You can’t be a victim, you have to be a warrior.” I replay that in my mind until I realize that I can overcome any obstacle. I would watch interviews and listen to her lyrics for hours upon hours. I began to find hope that the situations would eventually subside and I would come out with my head held higher than what everyone would be hoping

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