Cold And Flu Monologue

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Cold and Flu season has begun, the line in the snow has been drawn and it's here folks. The Cold and Flu has rounded up its troops and declared an all out war on the family! We've all been at battle with a cold or flu and most times, it's not until you're ugly crying on the bathroom floor, you've hit rock bottom, and your nose is so red you'd give Rudolph a run for his money, that you admit defeat!

Well at this point, I can almost guarantee that it didn't start at you, you're on the receiving end of a contagious disgusting cold or flu that has grown in size and momentum with each member of the family that it has been so generously shared with.

Our ever so kind and generous oldest daughter who since being back at school is like a walking germ factory brought the last …show more content…

He's the everything, that last resort! This bad boy will assist in the demise of this of battle. Welcome the Nose Frieda- The grossest and best invention ever! As often as I can hear my mother yelling "BLOW YOUR NOSE" I hear it when my baby is suffering from rattling boogers and cannot blow her nose. We've all seen those awful nasal aspirators you stick in the babies nose, well those hurt especially when baby is ripping her head away to avoid it. This product forms a seal with the outside of the baby's nostril (creating a vacuum). Parent-powered (mouth) suction is much stronger and more effective than the static suction of the bulb or battery-powered aspirators. NoseFrida is also easy to clean
Those 4 items alone in the harsh battles of colds and flu's are enough to knock that cold dead but, in all seriousness, sometimes we do need to take harsher measures for the worst of the worst so please make sure you consult your doctor before use of certain products on your child. The health nurse hotline is always a good place to start to ease your mind and ask questions. Worse comes to worse nothing like good Hot Toddy at the end of the day.. for YOU not the

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