Cognitive Consequences Of Forced Compliance: Article Analysis

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There are many lessons to be learned from the human cognitive brain. It has many outstanding capabilities which amaze and surprise us. The Psychology article called Cognitive Consequences of Forced Compliance by Festinger, and Carlsmith is a research article that conducts what happens to a person’s opinionated thought process if they were to be forced to do something. This is an intriguing article because it provides clear detailed information about the procedures, conditions, and research being done. Although the research was tampered with it was still considered accurately precise because the tampered statistics were removed.
The nature of the study was collected into three conditional parts. Those conditions were control, one dollar, and twenty dollar interviews. The control condition consisted on forcing tasks without payment while the one dollar and twenty-dollar interview was different. It involved bribery towards a response which Festinger and Carlsmith later found out impacted the results. The impacted results were later on executed for proper statistics. The hypothesis the psychologists conducted were designated to test the derivation from under controlled to laboratory conditions. In the research experiment they varied the reward amount used to force people to make a statement to contrary their private views. The hypothesis idea …show more content…

Three people in the one dollar and two people in the twenty-dollar condition felt that they were suspicious getting paid out to tell a girl that the experiment was fun. Two people both in the one-dollar condition told that girls that they had been hired. One person in the one-dollar condition and two people in the twenty-dollar condition refused to take the money and be hired. One person in the one-dollar condition immediately told the girl that something was up and demanded her number so he can explain the situation later

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