Coffee Persuasive Essay

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More Coffee
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that coffee is good for the health.
I. Attention
A- What is the most consumed drug in America? Caffeine. Caffeine as we know is very much present in what is thought to be the one of the most consumed beverages in America, coffee. In fact, Food Manufacturing, a Leading Source for Food Manufacturing writes in their article entitled ‘Consumer Trends: 83 percent of Americans Drink Coffee’ that “83% of American adults drink coffee”. I remember the first time I had a cup of coffee, I remember thinking that it was the best sugared-water anyone had ever given me, it gave me wings. That was when I was 7 years old, and coffee and I have been inseparable ever since.
B- Most of the time when the word coffee pops up in conversations between ‘concerned family members and friends’, it almost always ends with “you need to stop, coffee will destroy you, eat you up, and spit you out as though you were poison”. What they fail to understand is that coffee is good for you, it keeps you up on when you need to stay up (late nights, early mornings, afternoons, you name it, it’s there), and it is actually really good for your health.
II. Need
A- Type 2 diabetes, the most risky of diabetes. What if I were to tell you that coffee can help prevent that? Many people would not believe me, because coffee is “oh-so deadly”. Coffee however, has been associated with decreasing risks of Type 2 Diabetes for more than 10 years; 12 years to be exact.
B- Recent research according to an article entitled “Emerging Benefits of Coffee with an Emphasis on Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease” by Siamek Bidel and Jaako Tuomilehto states that “a Dutch cohort study reported tha...

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... Coffee simply increases productivity. Eliza Barclay, the author of an article entitled “Why Caffeine in Coffee is a Miracle Drug for the Tired” writes “caffeine improves alertness and mental performance, especially in people who are already tired.”
Transition: You see, coffee is not the enemy; and contrary to popular beliefs, coffee is the friend. It’s always there, either in your cabinet, or at any grocery store.
V. Action
• We as a people need to stop dwelling on the negatives, and for once look at the positives. Next time you have that major paper that you practiced your procrastination skills on, don’t worry, coffee will be there to nurse you back to productivity. So, don’t be afraid, grab it, make yourself a cup, drink it, sit back, and watch it work its magic on you. You won’t regret it! That is a promise made by both me, and your health.

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