Code Red In The Film Dawson And Downey

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Dawson and Downey were inseparable throughout the movie and acted together in performing the Code Red. They both showed immense respect for the military organization. Throughout the movie both men appear in their impeccably clean and pressed uniforms. They stand at respectful attention in the presence of superiors. When interviewed in their cell by Lieutenant Kaffee, Dawson repeats that his allegiance is to the military code of “Unit, Corp, God, Country” (A Few) . The military categories of Unit and Corp supersede any other bond. Dawson and Downey adhered to this loyalty when they received an order that came from the military organization, it was easy for them to show their loyalty to it by following the order. According to Sartwell, bureaucracies …show more content…

By doing this they freed themselves from any sense of responsibility. As in Milgrim’s experiment, Dawson and Downey believed the person in authority held the responsibility for the Code Red and they were merely the conduit for the authority to act ( 87). Although they both held the military in the highest regard, it was clear that Dawson was struggling at times with obedience. He had disobeyed a previous order to give a fellow Marine under a Code Red only water and vitamins. He secretly gave the marine food and was passed up for a promotion because of that choice ( A Few). Dawson was conflicted with following his authoritarian conscience and his humanistic conscience. According to Fromm, authoritarian conscience is followed when we desire to please an authority figure, and humanistic conscience is followed when our desire to act humanely wins out (126). Dawson understood that giving food to the Marine was a kind act even though it was forbidden .This goes against Sartwell who argues that people obey authority in order to protect themselves even when it conflicts with their ethics (118). Dawson was willing to gamble his promotion by giving food to the

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