Coco Chanel Introduction

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Coco Chanel made herself known as one of the most significant fashion designers around the world and became an icon to thousands of women. Due to her impact on the fashion industry she revolutionized the way women wore clothing and she also created a new technique for the fashion brand.
Making the change from what women typical wore was risky but very important to Chanel. She wanted to make a statement and dress how every woman wished they could. "Fashion has become a joke. The designers have forgotten that there are women inside the dresses. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. But they must also be able to move, to get into a car without bursting their seams! Clothes must have a natural shape."–Coco Chanel. This is where the idea came about for transitioning women’s clothing. Trousers were mostly what men or business women wore but Chanel made them a popular fashion item for every day life. Altering trousers into sailor’s pants could be an alternative to swimming costumes to avoid exposing themselves. This style spread rapidly and this was the start to Chanel’s success. A quote spoken by Chanel at the age of 85 said, “I came up with them by modesty. From this usage to it becoming a fashion, having 70% of women wearing trousers at evening dinner is quite sad.”
Making statements was something that Chanel knew how to do best. Whether it is sun tanning, wearing a striking bob haircut, Chanel No. 5, wearing costume jewelry, or making some articles of clothing fundamental for every wardrobe. Chanel knew how to make anything work. In the 20th century being pale was a sign of being in the upper class, while being tan represented being apart of the lower classes. She made a statement throughout society without even purpos...

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... and wear, to change the course of fashion. Coco Chanel was the influential icon that took a leap of faith and stepped up to the plate on how women represented themselves. The idea of transforming men’s clothing to clothes wearable for woman was all thanks to Chanel. Having women wear clothing similar to men’s wear gave a sense of equalization between the two genders. In the early to mid twentieth century men still had more rights than woman, but changing the idea of how women were “supposed” to dress gave them a reason to pursue for independence. Chanel impacted women’s rights by giving woman a chance to make a statement throughout society. All of her trends from tanning to the Chanel Suit made a huge transition in society. Coco Chanel once spoke, “I created the most well-known style in the world,” she said, “because fashion is ephemeral, but style is eternal.”

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