Cnidarian Killers

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Not all cnidarians are known to be killers, but some cnidarians are among the most dangerous marine species known to man. Cnidarians look like delicate creatures, but the potent toxins injected into their prey can kill within minutes. The severity of a sting is determined by the species of jellyfish, the thickness of exposed skin, and the sensitivity the victim has to venom. If stung, you should not panic but find medical attention right away. You will want to wash the stung area with salt water, because freshwater will stimulate the nematocysts again. The best thing to inactivate the nematocysts is vinegar and alcohol. There are also a variety of other sources that can reduce the effect of the sting such as meat tenderizer, sugar, plant juices …show more content…

The Portuguese Man of War, also known as Physalia physalis, is often found in warm waters of the tropics, subtropics and Gulf Stream and is armed with thick nematocysts that can reach up to 165 feet. The Portuguese Man of War has a translucent blue, pink gas filled body that reaches lengths up to 12 inches long. The poisonous creature got its name, because of its appearance to looking like the sail of a Portuguese battleship. The sting of a Portuguese Man of War if very painful, but not deadly. The pain is to be described as putting hot charcoal on your flesh. The pain of the nematocysts can last for hours and can cause welts and red marks to cover the areas the tentacles had touched. There are also symptoms of nausea and difficulty breathing. This particular jellyfish is not considered a “true” jellyfish. In fact, The Portuguese Man of War consists of modified feeding polyps and a reproductive medusa called a float. Since the jellyfish is not a fast moving carnivore the diet of a Portuguese Man of War consists of eating small fish or other creatures it can get ahold of. The nematocysts will paralyze the prey which then will be consumed by the jellyfish. Because jellyfish are venomous most marine animals cannot eat them but there are a few exceptions. For example, sea turtles love to eat the Portuguese Man of War. Other jellyfish are preyed upon by spadefish, sunfish, and loggerheaded

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