Cliques In High School Essay

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Cliques in high school can't prevent things that you wouldn't expect to happen. Cliques are brought together by a genuine interest in each other they are organized around power and popularity.
Hook if you going to be in a clique in high school make sure you socialize yourself with people that want good for themselves.
People feel like they need attention and if they don't do the right things would make them popular.
You don't always have to hang in a clique to be noticeable.
Cliques in high school can prevent things that should not happen It’s normal for preteens and teens group together and often hang on tight. But most kids find a group with whom they “click” in a healthy way.
Others get swept up in a “clique” that does give …show more content…

You can end on drugs and alcohol addiction.(Psychcentral) Cliques can make people feel different about themselves they create boundaries to adjacent friendships and promote bad behavior. Cliques can't be that bad they are mostly common it's basically what you make it and the people you put yourself with. It's okay if you want to get the same feeling like people that do hang in cliques. But you don't have to do things that you shouldn't.
That's when you going to feel like you just have to do it and you going to be forced into to doing something. That's when all the peer pressure comes in. nobody should be forced to do anything they don't want to do because it may look cool.
Being a member of a particular clique provides youre a popular kid a jock, a nerd. The clique and that identity come with a stereotype that a teen adopt to see how when well they like it.
It might fit them perfectly or they might it ok but some parts can get uncomfortable and start being forced to do a lot of things.
If they don't follow enough of the stereotype then they will be seen a poser and may be forced out of the

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