Clinical Psychology Personal Statement

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Being an undergraduate psychology major at Mississippi State University has paved a way for me to potentially serve my community in the way that desire to; after much thought and consideration, I have decided that applying for the PhD program in clinical psychology at Mississippi State University is the best route for me to take in order to make the difference I aspire to make in the lives of others. I would like to specialize in children's clinical psychology, specifically abnormal child psychology, so that I may one day help children who suffer from sociopathological and psychopathological disorders, personality and mood disorders, depression, and anxiety. I would also like to conduct an abundance of research in hopes that I can make some …show more content…

I hope to work either in a children's clinic or a children's mental institution, alongside other trained medical professionals and researchers. The clinical psychology MS/PhD programs at MSU help shape the graduate student by following a curriculum that emphasizes a firm background in cutting-edge theoretical and empirical advances in the field of clinical psychology. This includes coursework in methodology, statistics, theory and assessment of psychopathology, and psychotherapy application, as well as completion of a master's thesis and doctoral dissertation. As a student, my freshman year and sophomore year, I had a 3.5+/4.00 GPA, but my transfer to MSU for my junior year was a big transition for me. I did not do as well as I wanted to my first semester at MSU, however I still preserved and I currently have a 3.59/4.00. My psychology classes have been the hardest for me out of any classes I have taken because they challenge me due to being different in the styles of learning and comprehending the the information that they possess compared to other classes such as Calculus or

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