Climbing Persuasive Speech

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Argumentative Essay Climbing is very dangerous, luckily there is a way that climbers can make climbing safer. They should pack everything they will need such as: proper equipment, warm clothes, and ropes. Judgement is also responsible for some accidents when people think that can do it. Also the environment plays a big part in rock climbing. When people rock climb up in the mountains it get very cold up there; people would need to pack warm clothes. A news article that was written by William Plummer Step by Step, a Routine Hike Up Mount Hood Turns Into a Nightmare That Kills Nine talks about a hike school kids went on for a field trip. They were not prepared for the cold harsh conditions; nine people died because of hypothermia. They could have avoided this by packing warm: blankets, extra clothes, warm jackets. They could have easily done this by not being stupid, pack warm clothes when hiking on a mountain. Another preventable cause by cimbers is inadequate equipment and/or clothing. Based on a pie chart of the data gathered by the American Alpine Club in the book Accidents in North American Mountaineering it says that 11.3% of all climbing accidents are caused because of “inadequate equipment/clothing”. This is the fourth most contributing cause of death for …show more content…

Based on a video by Jonathan Barrett , The Danger in Mountaineering: A Conversation Between Climbers, they say that there are lots of contributing causes to climbing accidents: no equipment, unroped, rushing, to quick to quick to judge, and weather. Lots of climbing accidents can be avoided by taking precautionary measures; there are some things we can’t control. Though out of all of these weather was the main topic. Mainly snowy and wet conditions were the contributing cause. This causes people to slip and fall; sadly causing their death. Weather is not something climbers can control. This is the other side where we can not make climbing

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