Decoding the Cleveland Torso Murders: A Geographic Analysis

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Cleveland Torso Murderer a) Set the Scene: Cleveland Torso crimes took place in various different places. Some near Kingsbury Run which is an area in Cleveland, Ohio located near it suburb Shaker Heights. Kingsbury Run is stretched westward through Kinsman Road. (Should include map). This was the location found of Victim 6, Victim 4 (identified as “The tattooed man”), Victim 2 was located in the Jackass Hill area of Kingsbury Run and so was Victim 1. Which was later identified as Edward Andrassy. As for Victim 3, Florence Genevieve, was located between 2315 and 2325 East 20th street in downtown Cleveland. Victim 5 was found in big Creek area of Brooklyn, west of Cleveland. Victim 7 was fund on Euclid Back on the shore of Lake Erie. Victim 8 was found beneath Lorain-Carnegie Bridge. Victim 9(pulled out) and Victim 10 were found in Cuyahoga River in the Cleveland Flats. Victim 11 and Victim 12 were found on East 9th Street Lakeshore Dump. b) …show more content…

His head was recovered and the body was found within 2 to 3 days. Victim 2 (male- John Doe1) emasculated and decapitated head later recovered. Skin was treated with chemicals and this caused it so be reddish and leathery. He was later were 7 to 10 days. Later revised to 3 to 4 weeks. Victim 3 (Florence Genevieve Polillo) body was dismembered and head never found. Body found 2 to four days after death. Victim 4 (The Tattooed Man”- John Doe 2) was decapitated while alive and head was never found. Found 2 days after death. Victim 5 (John Doe 3) was dismembered while alive, head recovered, ONLY known west side victim. Body was found 2 months after death. Victim 6 (John Doe 4) only half the torso wad found from this victim. Nothing remained below the hips, the head was never found and the body was never identified, the body was found two days after

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