Clean Eating: Stripping Your Diet of Unhealthy Foods

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Clean Eating

Eating clean is simply stripping your diet with unhealthy foods. It is not a diet but a lifestyle choice wherein you only eat whole, unrefined, and unprocessed foods. This allows you to eat more and weigh less by making smart food choices. Eating clean can lead to proper nutrition, weight loss, and disease prevention. The concept of clean eating may seem to be overwhelming at first, especially if it involves a lot of changes. Taking it one step a time and incorporating it gradually can help you ease into these changes. Don’t beat yourself up when you make mistakes or gone off the rail for a few times. All it takes is the determination and patience knowing that you can eventually live a much healthier life than ever before. The keys to good health and proper nutrition are in the following concepts:

Cut down on alcohol
Several studies show that moderate consumption of alcohol has some health benefits such as raising good HDL cholesterol and warding off dementia and Alzheimer. It is essential that consumption will stay moderate since excessive alcohol can affect your li...

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