Classical Conditioning In Nursing Essay

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Both patient education and nursing staff/student learning is a topic of absolute interest to nurses in every environment that they practice, it is a constant part of the role of the Nurse and teaching is a major component of a nurses professional role (Carpenter & Bell 2002).
Since the 1850s, the promotion of good health and prevention of disease has been a feature of public health care. Over the last 30 years, the UK governments have signalled a commitment to address the underlying causes of ill health such as social inequalities and unhealthy lifestyles. there is now a need to make that contribution more visible and increase the profile of all nurses in tackling the root causes of ill health. (RCN 2012)
The Aim of this essay is to consider …show more content…

(McLeod 2007) in Bandura’s social learning theory Albert Bandura (1977) states behaviour is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning. These behaviours arise from classical conditioning (learning), Classical conditioning can be described as ‘A learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus; [Cherry …show more content…

i will discuss how I evolved as a teacher, how i felt about my session and how happy i was with the outcome. I prepared myself to my teaching session by using credible resources to find my information, i decided to use a variation of communication and learning theories to give a balanced session. I gave a handout to each student, asked students question t get them involved and organised a quiz at the end of the session to reinforce the learning within the session.
Initially i was just going to do a presentation style of teaching but whilst researching learning styes and communication i came across a lot of evidence to suggest my session might be more successful and my students may get more out of it if i used a variation of learning styes and communication techniques. Audio visual learning was one of the techniques i used, Audio visual aids are tools used in teaching and another outlet for learning. ‘These are planned educational material that appeal to the senses of the people and quickens learning and facilitates clear understanding’. (Neerja

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