Classical Conditioning

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Psychology Assignment: Classical Conditioning
In this assignment classical conditioning and its key principles will be discussed. Also how classical conditioning can explain why a child cries when they see a nurse and the concept of anticipatory nausea in adults will be covered in this assignment. Classical conditioning is described as a learning process first discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936). At the start of the twentieth century Pavlov was awarded a Nobel Prize in medicine for his work in the physiology of digestion. This research, by which he used dogs as experimental subjects, set the stage for observing the phenomenon now known as classical conditioning. Classical conditioning occurs through associations between …show more content…

It is described as learning by associating two events which often occur together; it involves changes in reflex responses over which we have little or no conscious control over (Payne, Smith and Jarrett 2007) these responses or behaviours can stay ingrained with us for the rest of our lives once we learn them.
Classical conditioning involves forming an association between two stimuli resulting in a learned response. There are three basic phases of this process they are: before conditioning, during conditioning and then finally after conditioning. The first part of the before conditioning process requires a naturally occurring stimulus that will automatically incur a response. Secretion of saliva in the mouth in response to the smell of food is a good example of a naturally occurring stimulus. In this phase of the processes, the unconditioned stimulus (USC) results in an unconditioned response (UCR). The unconditioned stimulus for example is the response due to the smell of food; the unconditioned response is the response due to the unconditioned stimulus which is maybe the feeling …show more content…

Anticipatory nausea is feelings of nausea elicited by stimuli associated with nausea-induced chemotherapy treatments. Patients experience nausea after treatments buts also before and in anticipation of their treatment. Researchers believe that conditioned anticipatory nausea occurs through classical conditioning (Plotnik and Kouyoumdjian 2013). Many patients experience anticipatory nausea due to sights, smells, sounds, and maybe even tastes related to their chemotherapy experience therefore bringing back memories and causing severe nausea. These triggers are the neutral stimuli which could be anything related to their treatment such as the smell of their treatment room in the hospital, the sight of their doctor or nurse, or even the taste of the food or drink they may have taken during their chemotherapy. Even when they are finished their chemotherapy treatments they may still experience this nausea for months or even for years all due to this learned response believed to be caused by classical

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