Classical Conditioning Classroom

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Classical conditioning is one the most famous types of learning. Classical Conditioning, was discovered accidentally by Ivan Pavlov. Classical conditioning involves learning a new behavior via the process of association However, some suggest “the implications of classical conditioning in the classroom are less important than those of operant conditioning, but there is a still need for teachers to try to make sure that students associate positive emotional experiences with learning”(McLeod, 2014). Nonetheless, classical conditioning influences the way millions of children are taught across the globe. Personal observations throughout life can lead people to view and comprehend the usage of classical conditioning in several different ways. Furthermore, an example for classical condition that will take place in the early childhood classroom would be a fire drill. The stimuli would be the sound of the bell and the …show more content…

Children perform better in school when they have a routine. Ad well as, there is no uncertainty of what is expected from them. Nonetheless, there will be times where the boy may be display some challenging behavior. Or there may be times where students do not get to go to the treasure box because they did not receive a 100 on their test. However, using operant conditioning can limit the number of negative incidents daily or weekly. After someone has been conditioned to behaving a certain way, it becomes habitual. They will behave this way without even thinking about it. After a month or two of this type of conditioning the boy will follow this routine daily and will not exemplify the distraction with his pencil. Consequently, students in general; not just the boy will begin to comprehend that there are consequences for their actions. They will also fully understand the reward system and what they must do to receive a prize from the treasure

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