Class And Inequality

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I have learned a great deal about the American Political System, my classmates, and my own believes on race, class, and inequality. I believe society has changed from the horrible racist past. I believe things are getting better, but society still needs to improve. Racism is still an issue, but it is no longer supported by government law. We are no longer living in a world of Jim Crow or slavery. African Americans no longer have to ride in the back of buses or sitting in certain areas. I am naïve to the fact that just because racism is no longer accepted there are some people who are still racist. Also there are some people who do not know they are racist as Dr. Russell liked to say.
When it comes to class and inequality The Spirit Level really opened my eyes to how important inequality is. Inequality is the cause to a lot of society’s problem. Inequality causes a higher number of teenage pregnancy and crime. One of my classmates believed inequality was the root of the problem since the beginning of class, while others believed it was racism. When it comes to inequality I believe society has not changed as much. We still have a great deal of people living in poverty. It is true society cares more about the poor and has social welfare programs to help them. However, society still wants to blame the …show more content…

I believe the way to end racism is changing people’s attitude towards members of a different race. Society has to learn to accept people for who they are. Also some members of society have to learn how to let go of the pass. I am mostly speaking about African Americans. When it comes to proving inequality I believe we should do more than just throw money at the poor. We have to change the attitude of the rich and the poor. The rich have to learn that it is not fair to blame all the poor for their situation. Also the poor have to change their attitude that they cannot get out of

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