Civilization and Savagery: A Response to Critical Reading Journal Question #2

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What makes one culture “civilized” and another “savage?” Is there a standard for a culture to be truly civilized? Marlow once said, “In some inland post feel the savagery, the utter savagery, had closed round him--all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men.” There are many cultures and between those cultures there are certain distinctions that make them “civilized” or “savage.” It’s is only according to one’s perspective that one can decide whether a society can be deemed “civilized” or “savage. Through the eyes of the world, the culture that establishes and adapts itself the best is usually deemed “civilized.” These civilized cultures then form a system in society on how everything is ran. A military and government is then set up. Through the government and the military, strength is built and expansion of the culture occurs. Through this expansion, many non-dominant cultures begin to be affected. The non-dominant cultures have already developed a system in which their society is ran on. The dominant culture then de...

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