Civil War And Reconstruction Essay

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The Civil War and Reconstruction represent the revolution of American society and its democracy. The Civil War occurred due to conflicts between the North and South having different beliefs on subjects pertaining to the institution of slavery. Additionally, the Reconstruction era, focused on rebuilding the South and it was indeed challenging to many southerners who were slave owners and found it difficult to readjust to a society where blacks were now free, when they relied so heavily on slavery. Some people may argue that the Civil War and Reconstruction can be seen more as an evolution of American society and democracy instead of a revolution, but historical events prove otherwise. The Civil War and Reconstruction did not change American …show more content…

Many changes in American society and democracy were made when freed slaves were granted rights as free people in the constitution during the Reconstruction era post the civil war. The laws and amendments of the Constitution reflect how political changes were sudden because they wanted freed slaves to finally live their lives as free citizens. In Eric Foner’s book, Give Me Liberty, he states “What Republican leader Carl Schurz called the ‘great Constitutional revolution’ of Reconstruction transformed the federal system and with it, the language of freedom so central to American political culture” (Foner, 586). Foner also contended that the Reconstruction’s amendments transformed the Constitution from a document that was only concerned with federal-state relations and the rights of property, to one in which powerless minorities could claim freedom and seek protection against misconduct from all levels of government. The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 was one of the few drastic changes made in American politics because it declared that all people born in the United States as citizens and construed rights they were to enjoy regardless of their race or color. Moreover, the fourteenth amendment granted citizenship to the freed slaves and the fifteenth amendment prohibited the federal and state governments from denying any …show more content…

Now that the African Americans were free from slavery, they had the time and freedom to further their education in school and to create their own churches. Foner states that their “thirst for learning sprang from many sources—a desire to read the Bible, the need to prepare for the economic marketplace, and the opportunity to take part in politics” (Foner, 15). Due to the Reconstruction, the first black colleges were created in the nation, such as the Fisk University in Tennessee, the Hampton Institute in Virginia, and the Howard University in Washington. Blacks went from having no schools available to them, into having the freedom and choice to become educated and also to decide which school they would want to attend. Again, this all happened right after the Civil War, which reflects how sudden and drastic these changes were, if it were an evolutionary change it would have taken much longer for the schools and churches to be established. Furthermore, the church was also fundamental in the black community because the Reconstruction after the Civil War brought many important changes in the social conditions of the freed slaves. “The rise of the independent black church, with Methodists and Baptists commanding the largest following, redrew the religious map of the South” (Foner, 568). Religion in the South revolutionized American

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