Civil Liberties In Russia Essay

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Civil rights is the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality. Civil rights traditionally revolved around the basic right to be free from unequal treatment based on certain protected characteristics in settings such as employment. It is usually based off race, gender, and disability. Civil liberties is the freedom of a citizen to exercise customary rights, as of speech or assembly, without unwarranted or arbitrary interference by the government. Civil liberties concern basic rights and freedoms that are guaranteed, either explicitly identified in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Furthermore, civil liberties includes but isn’t limited to freedom of speech, the right to vote, and the right to privacy. Civil rights and liberties are two things every human should have and no power should be able to take it away from any person. They are the essentials that give people the right to be …show more content…

During Boris Yeltsin’s time in the 1990’s he opened up democratization in Russia and Russia’s economy. He also started to work with foreign investors, usually he worked with oligarchs. He had a drastic effect on Russia but Russia didn’t have a solid free market system. However, in the last 15 years Vladimir Putin has been in power and is striving to push Russia into more of an authoritarian regime. By Vladimir Putin wanting this type of power the Russian people’s civil rights and civil liberties will be at stake of not being enforced. For example, Vladimir Putin has relegation on what the people of Russia can and can’t do. The government is basically watching the people day in and day out monitoring what they do, as well as monitoring through media sites online. Putin enforcing these regulations shows what he wants to do with Russia. This isn’t what the people wanted when Putin became president and before he was president Russia was about to begin the democratization

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