Civil Disobedience Rhetorical Analysis

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Henry David Thoreau was an American author and poet. He wrote many books such as, Walden and many more. Thoreau's Civil Disobedience espouses the need to prioritize one's conscience over the dictates of laws. It criticizes American social institutions and policies, most prominently slavery and the Mexican-American War. Thoreau begins his essay by arguing that government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its power from the majority because they are the strongest group, not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint.
Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. Many of this protests were led by some greatest people who …show more content…

Segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. Whites and Colored people could not share; parks, restrooms, classrooms, drinking fountains voting sites. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to change life for the colored people. He believed that they the right to vote. According to the 15th amendment, “ it granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” By using this amendment King used civil disobedience to get his object completed. He want all minorities to get the right to vote as the …show more content…

Nevertheless, Gandhi reached down and picked up a small lump of natural salt out of the mud–and British law had been defied.¨ Gandhi didn´t care that police pohibit him from making salt. He was using peaceful tactics to achieve his goal of civil disobedience. Gandhi would later get arrested on May 21st but his movement would continue on.
In January 1931, Gandhi was released from prison. He later met with Lord Irwin , the viceroy of India, and agreed to call off the satyagraha in exchange for an equal negotiating role at a London conference on India’s future. The meeting was a disappointment, but British leaders had acknowledged Gandhi as a force they could not suppress or ignore. Gandhi had achieve his goal of using civil disobedience against the British colonists. A recent example of civil disobedience is Nelson Mandela the South African activist. Mandela pushed to end apartheid in his home country of South Africa. He used civil disobedience to end this form of segregation He spent 28 years in South African prison for trying to end apartheid in South Africa.and former president Nelson Mandela helped bring an end to apartheid and has been a global advocate for human

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