Civil Disobedience: Catalyst for Liberty and Justice

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Civil disobedience has reaped positive change on the justice being sown for citizens at a particular time in our history. From Homer Plessy in 1880, to Rosa Parks in 1955 and continuing in 2016 throughout the ‘Right to Rest’ movement of the homeless population in Sacramento, California, American citizens have utilized the act of civil disobedience as the catalyst to create a change that ultimately improved upon their current state of ‘liberty and justice for all’. Our great forefathers crafted the Constitution and supported its ideals with the judicial, legislative and executive branches of our government, securing our continued opportunity to engage in a dialogue that will enable us all to pursue freedom. Civil disobedience permits all citizens to build upon these structures that allow for the pursuit of freedom.

An act of civil disobedience requires a citizen to engage in …show more content…

At its core, civil disobedience promotes responsibility, and responsibility is necessary to frame freedom. The pursuit of freedom is constant, its attainment fleeting with its existence always predicated on responsibility. Freedom is an immense moral and spiritual goal. Our government attempts to uphold the pursuit of freedoms through its rule of law, crafted so carefully as to allow for orderly change in our continued pursuit of these moral and spiritual aspirations. Civil disobedience is one side of the freedom coin; the other side is responsibility and the act of civil disobedience supports that which makes freedom ring because it supports individual responsibility.

Civil disobedience has a history of being a positive part of the American pursuit of liberty and freedom. In 1890, the state of Louisiana passed the Separate Car Act, a law

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