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Location & Structure The liver is the largest organ of the body weighing in at about 3 pounds and about 6 inches thick. With this size the liver is very resilient. The liver is a red-brownish organ that is shaped like triangle. The liver is located at the top of the abdomen on the right side of the body just below the diaphragm. The structure of the liver is built up of four lobes. The two main lobes are the right and left lobe. The right lobe consist of the two remaining lobes the quadrate and the caudate lobe. Each lobe is composed of thousands of units called lobules. Without the liver we wouldn’t be able to survive. The liver serves as the body’s main chemical factory. The liver stores glycogen, amino acids, and proteins along with …show more content…

This can be life threating. The liver usually has to go through a few stages before reaching such a life threating state. Many other diseases will develop into cirrhosis if not treated in time. For example fatty liver is disease that can develop into hepatitis or cirrhosis. This disease is most commonly developed by through acute alcohol abuse or substance abuse. This disease can be reversible with absence before developing into cirrhosis, but 20% of heavy users will fail to stay absent and develop cirrhosis. A second disease you might develop before getting to cirrhosis is hepatitis A, B, or C an infection of the liver can develop into cirrhosis. These viruses cause few symptoms that most of the time they go unnoticed developing into a life threating stage. All these can occur at the same time, but if cirrhosis is reached and the cells of the liver are damaged and unable to repair themselves and being to die off causing a scar to form creating blood clots. If this happens poison and waste will accumulate and if this continues for a long period of time it will lead to a hepatic encephalopathy, a condition in the brain causing confusion, change in behavior and worst case scenario a coma. A way to detect cirrhosis would include ruining some blood work, biopsy, an ultrasound, or a CT scan. If cirrhosis is detected in the liver there will be nothing that will be able to be done and as of now there aren’t any known cures. However; there are treatments available that can delay its progress. For cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse, the person must stop drinking to stop cirrhosis from advancing. A doctor most commonly will prescribe steroids or antiviral drugs to reduce liver cells from being injured and progress to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can be reversed depending on how the person follows their treatment plan. If they follow the plan they

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