Circe: The Character Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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The book I chose is Book 10: Circe, the Grace of the Witch. In the book Odysseus and his men land on an island called Aeaea. Aeaea is the home of the goddess Circie who is considered a witch. Odysseus separates his men into two groups, one to explore the island and the other to stay back on the ship. Odysseus stayed back on the ship. The men who when and explored the island came across a stone house. All men but one went inside the house and they were offered a drink. In that drink was amber honey and Pramnian wine. The men took the drink and all the men in the house drank it and it had turned them into pigs. The man outside, Eurylochus saw what had happened and went and told Odysseus. Odysseus decided to go help save his men. On his way up …show more content…

The men exploring find the stone house that belongs to Circe and all of them go in but one. The men drink her magical drink and they all turn into many different animals. The man waiting outside see what happens to them and runs back to the ship to tell Odysseus. He brings bag one of the men back to prove to Odysseus that he is not lying. Odysseus decides to go and try to save the rest of his men. Odysseus is forced to climb up a mountain to get to the top. On his way up Hermes visits him and gives him a magical plant that protects Odysseus from Circes magical drink. Odysseus arrives and drinks Circes drink and doesn’t turn into an animal. Odysseus asks Circe to turn his men back to men. She tells Odysseus that she will turn them back once he takes her to bed. Odysseus agrees and his men are turned back into men. They end up staying for five years thinking it has only been five …show more content…

In the book, when the man that doesn’t get turned into a pig comes to tell Odysseus about his men he doesn’t bring a pig that once was one of Odysseus’s men back with him but, in the movie he does bring a pig back with him. Another difference is that in the book when Odysseus goes to get his men back she doesn’t have to climb up a mountain to get to them but, in the movie he does have to climb up a mountain. A difference between the book and the movie is that in the book when Circe turns Odysseus’s men back she only keeps them there for a year. In the movie she keeps them there for five

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