Cinderella Research Paper

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Cinderella is a movie that was remade in 2015 from the original Cinderella from the 1950s. Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella who was born into a loving home with her mother and father. They all lived in a beautiful estate in a peaceful kingdom. One day her mother falls terminally ill and passes away, but before her mother passes away, she gives Cinderella words of wisdom to live by. After Cinderella and her father live alone for a few years, her father remarries a widow, who has two daughters that move into the beautiful estate with Cinderella and her father. Soon after they move in, Cinderella’s father falls ill and he too passes away. Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters turn evil and start treating Cinderella like a servant. …show more content…

Cinderella is a representative of good in this fairy tale. The stepmothers and stepsisters represent all that is evil. Cinderella showed these characteristics by being kind; she wanted to please her stepmother and stepsisters. She was generous by constantly being at their beckon call whenever they needed something; like their clothes washed, keeping the house clean, and cooking all the food. Throughout the whole movie, Cinderella continued to keep a smile on her face. And most importantly, she was forgiving. The last scene in the movie when she was leaving the beautiful estate in which she grew up in, she said to her step mother “I forgive you.” (Branagh, 2015) I find these to be characteristics of a genuinely good hearted person. On the other hand, the stepmother and stepsisters showed characteristics of evil. They took advantage of Cinderella’s kindness by treating her like a servant, making her sleep in the attic where it was cold and lonely. Cinderella was also not allowed to eat until she had finished all of her chores for the day. They were jealous of Cinderella’s beauty, for example, when the stepmother first met her, she said to Cinderella’s father “you didn’t tell me how beautiful she is.” (Branagh, 2015) The stepmother and stepsisters thought they were superior to everyone and that their horrible actions should have no

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