Cinderella Man And The Great Depression

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Great Depression Essay
After the victory of World War 1, the U.S. had a positive spike in its economy and during the early 1920s it’s economic boost was called the Roaring 20s. Everyone’s yearly wages were high and unemployment rates were low, but this period of prosperity was followed by a dramatic downfall in the late 1920s and 1930s called, The Great Depression. Jim Braddock, the main character of Cinderella Man and boxer, had experienced the full hardship of this time during the movie, and portrays the living situation of the U.S. population during the devastation. Through his experiences comes an insight of The Great Depressions impact. The Great Depression caused the U.S. economy to plummet and with this came the rise of unemployment and lowered yearly workers’ wages, causing a drastic change in home and work life for the people. …show more content…

unemployment rate was a low 3.1%, but over the next 3 years increased drastically ending at a high 23.5% in 1932. This shows a negative effect on the economy with a large percentage of workers losing their jobs. This is also seen in Cinderella Man, Jim Braddock would go to the dock for work and there would be a large crowd of men doing the same as him, but only a few were selected to work each day. This example shows that many people were struggling to find jobs, so they would look for work daily hoping to get one. With the rise of unemployment came a decline is worker’s yearly wages. In 1929 the yearly wages for factory workers was $1543, but in 1932 it decreased to a low $1150. The change in wages put the people in terrible financial positions. This is seen in Cinderella Man, when Jim Braddock would receive less and less money from each fight he had and eventually had to move from a good size house to a cramped

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