Church Re-Start Essay

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As I sit at the local coffee shop in downtown Kansas City, I am praying and thinking through the charge the Bishop just cast upon me. My call is to launch a church re-start. The church that I have been called to re-start is a beautiful old stone church. Over the course of the last ten plus years, the congregation has been dwindling. The current members are very happy with the so called “crowd” that attends on Sunday morning. They all look alike; in looks as well as their thinking process. Gone are the days when they could walk to church. They have moved out of the community into maintenance free homes or to retirement living. Money is not an issue with this church, as the old time members have more than enough money to support the church. The down fall is that they are not …show more content…

Finding time for people to connect within the school and with programs the school already has implemented is a fantastic way to connect with people and to get a sense of what is really going on in the lives of the people in the community. Overall it must be determined where can God be joined in the neighborhood. Clearly one church cannot be an “all in all” to everyone. However, great care can be taken to determine where God is needed and in what capacity. It is very important to keep in mind that that need can certainly change over time. If and when the times comes to establish specific mission needs, it must be kept front and center that those needs change over time. Therefore, ministry changes over time as well to meet the needs. Once the initial background information is complied, the information needs to be sorted through. How can this church meet the needs of the community and what ministries will need to be established? What services are available in the community that are complete and meet the needs of the community and what services need help in fortifying

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