Church Laity

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The laity, as defined by, is, “The laity are the members of this society who remain where they were placed by baptism, while the clergy, even if only tonsured, have been raised by ordination to a higher class, and placed in the sacred hierarchy.” In other words, the laity are just regular people who are baptized and eventually confirmed. They can be described as flock that the shepherds watch over and help. The shepherds would be the clergy and in turn all of the higher ups in church hierarchy. The laity are not ordained, but this does not take away from their importance and roles in the church and in Christ’s mission. For most of the past, the laity have been very undermined in terms of the church’s consideration of their importance. …show more content…

The laity are just as important because of the necessities fulfilled such as the spreading of the message to friends, family, etc. and the positions in society that influence the world toward catholic beliefs. Everything that lay people do in their workplaces and in public represents what the church stands for and this can mean someone is a good or bad example of how a catholic should act. Lay people are supposed to go to church every Sunday, but that is not their only duty. Lay people are supposed believe. To truly believe people have to know the truths of the church and learn about the church. The laity must be ready to defend their faith and by knowing about it will be better suited to do so. Lay people are called to use and respect the sacraments but never disrespect them or abuse them. Lay people must respect all the rights of others and follow their vocation, or calling. Lay people must also give back to the church. This can be through monetary offerings and tithing proper amounts. This helps keep churches open and running well when all the people in the community give their part. Also, lay people can give their time and efforts in helping to run the church outside of monetary donations. This can be through giving their time or skills in order to help out however needed. Some lay people put the church in their wills and leave money or property, and this is a good example of tithing even though it is after the person’s

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